Eduroam Wizard

Unable to use your mobile data on your device? see our page about connecting to CSU-Guest in the learning commons area to download the wizard to your device.


  • Windows
    1. Download the installation file for your version of windows:
      • Windows 10

        Download the following installation file: Windows 10 Installer

        Click on Save if prompted, then Open or Run on the downloaded file (eduroam-W10-CSU.exe) to start the wizard

      • Windows 7

        Download the following installation file: Windows 7 Installer

        Click on Save if prompted, then click Open or Run on the downloaded file (eduroam-W7-CSU.exe) to start the wizard

    2. Click Next on the Welcome to the eduroam installer
    3. Click OK to accept you are a member of the CSU University
      Click OK
      Not from CSU? Browse to our Visitors page for more information
    4. Enter your CSU username*

      *Do you travel to other institutions? Be sure to enter use your full CSU email address e.g. for staff and for students. Please do not use

    5. Enter and Repeat your password
      Enter credentials
    6. Click Install
    7. When the installation completes, click Finish
      Install Completed
    8. Open a web browser and confirm your internet access is working as expected
    9. Once connected, for the best wireless experience - CSU recommends that you remove all other CSU wireless profiles from your device. Instructions are located here: Wireless Support - Remove other CSU wireless profiles
  • Mac OSX
    1. Download the following installation file: Apple OSX Installer

      Click on Open with System Preferences, if prompted

      The profiles screen will open, follow the instructions below. If it doesnt, manually open the downloaded file: eduroam-OS_X-CSU.mobileconfig

    2. Click Continue on the Install "eduroam"?
      Click OK
    3. Enter your CSU username*
      *Do you travel to other institutions? Be sure to enter use your full CSU email address e.g. for staff and for students. Please do not use
    4. Enter your password
      Enter credentials
    5. At the prompt: Configuration Profile Tool wants to make changes - enter your Mac login information (not your CSU details), to authorise the change
    6. click OK
    7. When the installation completes, click Finish
    8. Open a web browser and confirm your internet access is working as expected
    9. Once connected, for the best wireless experience - CSU recommends that you remove all other CSU wireless profiles from your device. Instructions are located here: Wireless Support - Remove other CSU wireless profiles

    Still can't connect? Check out our support page

  • Linux
    1. Download the following installation file: Linux Installer
      • Using the CLI, change to your download directory and run the below command:
      • Or using the OS "run command" option to type "sh *DOWNLOAD PATH*/"
        For example: ~/Downloads/
    2. Click OK on the Information prompt
    3. Click OK to accept you are a member of the CSU University
      Click OK
      Not from CSU? Browse to our Visitors page for more information
    4. On the Add a new entry prompt, enter your CSU username*
      Enter credentials
      *Do you travel to other institutions? Be sure to enter use your full CSU email address e.g. for staff and for students. Please do not use
    5. Enter and Rpeat your password
      Enter credentials
    6. click OK
    7. When the installation completes, click OK
      Install Completed
    8. Open a web browser and confirm your internet access is working as expected
    9. Once connected, for the best wireless experience - CSU recommends that you remove all other CSU wireless profiles from your device. Instructions are located here: Wireless Support - Remove other CSU wireless profiles

    Still can't connect? Check out our support page


  • Apple iPhone and iPad

    We recommend you use Safari when following these instructions

    1. Download the following installation file: iOS Installer

      The Settings screen will automatically open prompting to Install a Profile, follow the instructions below.

    2. Click Install on the Install Profile window
      Click OK
    3. If prompted, enter your device passcode to authorise the install
    4. Click Install on the certificate warning screen
      Click OK
    5. Click Install to install the profile
    6. Enter your CSU username*
      Enter credentials
      *Do you travel to other institutions? Be sure to enter use your full username in the format: (Please note: this is not your email address)
    7. Enter your password
    8. Click Install
    9. When the installation completes, click Done
      Install Completed
    10. Open a web browser and confirm your internet access is working as expected
    11. Once connected, for the best wireless experience - CSU recommends that you remove all other CSU wireless profiles from your device.
      Instructions are located here: Wireless Support - Remove other CSU wireless profiles

    Unable to connect? Try using the Eduroam wizard

  • Android
    1. Using mobile data - download the eduroamCAT application, available from:
    2. Open the eduroamCAT application
      Android Install
        Android 8 and Above

        Download the following installation file: Android 8 to 10 Installer

        Click Download when prompted to downloaded file: eduroam-android_8_10-CSU.eap-config

      • Android 4.3 to 7

        Download the following installation file: Android 4.3 to 7 Installer

        Click Download when prompted to downloaded file: eduroam-android_4_7-CSU.eap-config

    3. Locate and tap Profiles
    4. Tap on the 3 dots on the top right of screen and choose Select Config file
      Android Install
    5. Choose the configuration file previously downloaded
    6. Tap Install on the Configuration File Summary screen
      Android Install
    7. When prompted Are you sure you want to install the profile, tap Yes
    8. Enter your CSU username*
      *Do you travel to other institutions? Be sure to enter use your full username in the format: (Please note: this is not your email address)
    9. Enter your password and tap Install
    10. Profile Installed, should appear in green
      Android Install
    11. Open a web browser and confirm your internet access is working as expected
    12. Once connected, for the best wireless experience - CSU recommends that you remove all other CSU wireless profiles from your device.
      Instructions are located here: Wireless Support - Remove other CSU wireless profiles

    Unable to connect? Try using the Eduroam wizard